Long Live Ice Cream

[Ice Cream Part II] Long live ice cream! 

Long live ice cream! Continuing with the topic of ice cream, my significant other / soul mate pointed out that we had ice cream every season (mainly I ate them). Oops! But how can you resist ice cream?

[冰淇淋 II] 冰淇淋萬歲!

繼冰淇淋的話題,我的靈魂伴侶指我們每季節都吃冰淇淋的(主要還是我吃了)。唉唷! 但怎樣抵抗冰淇淋的誘惑呀?

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Sad & Happy – Ice Cream

When I am sad/happy – ice cream edition.

For some reason when I’m feeling down or cheerful, ice cream is the first thing that pops into my head. I actually don’t eat it frequently. But with this heat, I can’t stop thinking about ice cream!

當我難過/開心 – 冰淇淋篇。

很奇怪,當我難過或開心的時候,冰淇淋是我腦海中出現的頭一個東西。實際上,我不常吃它。 但在這麼炎熱的天氣,我只想到冰淇淋!

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