Happy Birthday Lion King

Happy birthday my lion king

??????Happy birthday to my dearest lion king! Wishing you more happiness, good health, wealth, and love to come. Love celebrating your birthday together, except I don’t know what to get you! Please tell me?



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When these numbers meet = LOVE <3

There are thousands of combinations of numbers in the world, yet these numbers are combined. Not every combination can be a winner, but being with you seems like winning first prize.

當這些數字相遇 = 愛 <3


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Long Live Ice Cream

[Ice Cream Part II] Long live ice cream! 

Long live ice cream! Continuing with the topic of ice cream, my significant other / soul mate pointed out that we had ice cream every season (mainly I ate them). Oops! But how can you resist ice cream?

[冰淇淋 II] 冰淇淋萬歲!

繼冰淇淋的話題,我的靈魂伴侶指我們每季節都吃冰淇淋的(主要還是我吃了)。唉唷! 但怎樣抵抗冰淇淋的誘惑呀?

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Sad & Happy – Ice Cream

When I am sad/happy – ice cream edition.

For some reason when I’m feeling down or cheerful, ice cream is the first thing that pops into my head. I actually don’t eat it frequently. But with this heat, I can’t stop thinking about ice cream!

當我難過/開心 – 冰淇淋篇。

很奇怪,當我難過或開心的時候,冰淇淋是我腦海中出現的頭一個東西。實際上,我不常吃它。 但在這麼炎熱的天氣,我只想到冰淇淋!

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