Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween!
I’ve seen some cute costumes and pumpkin carving; can’t wait to see more! How did you decorate and what costume are you wearing this year? Have fun and don’t forget to stay safe!

我看到一些可愛的服飾和南瓜雕刻; 我期待看更多! 今年你是怎樣裝飾的,還有穿甚麼服裝呢? 玩得開心D,但別忘了要注意安全哦!

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Angel or Devil

Angel or Devil? Who Wore It Better?

I think the lion looks better in the angel outfit. And in reality, he is the nicer one and I am the evil one. Yay for evil bunny!



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Sorry for the wait! It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. Been recuperating from a car accident (100% not at fault). It’s been a bumpy ride but it could have been a lot worse. Hoping to fully recover sooner than later.


很抱歉,久等了! 很久沒發圖了。車禍之後這段時間我在養傷中(100%不是我的錯)。 療傷的過程是好是壞,但辛運的是車禍沒有太嚴重。希望早日完全康復。

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