Bundle of Joy 🍼
Congratulations! Yay, so happy for you both on your bundle of joy! Super proud of you both for everything you’ve accomplished and for adding another milestone to your list. Get well-rested; wishing you very little sleepless nights. PS: Hope you like this little gift. I added a bit of MTM (and a doesn’t look like it, gold rock from your wedding). 🍼🐧🐧🐧❤️❤️❤️
可愛的小寶貝 🍼
恭喜! 喔耶,很替你們高興生了一個可愛的BB! 為你們所達成的以及添加另一個里程碑感到非常開心自豪。 記得要好好養身和休息多D。 希望BB會乖乖,讓你們多睡。 PS:希望你喜歡這個小小的禮物。 我加了一點點MTM(和看起來不像的金石)。🍼🐧🐧🐧❤️❤️❤️