You Are My Sunshine ☀️
Have been busy and haven’t been in the mood lately. And the gloomy weather doesn’t make it any better. But you always somehow make it better. Thank you.
你是我的陽光 ☀️
最近有點忙,又沒甚麼心情。 而且下雨天完全沒幫助。 但你總有方法讓我心情變好。謝謝。
You Are My Sunshine ☀️
Have been busy and haven’t been in the mood lately. And the gloomy weather doesn’t make it any better. But you always somehow make it better. Thank you.
你是我的陽光 ☀️
最近有點忙,又沒甚麼心情。 而且下雨天完全沒幫助。 但你總有方法讓我心情變好。謝謝。
我不需要玫瑰花 或巧克力/朱古力
Happy “牛” (普通話發音像”new”) Year! 祝大家 “哞” (普通話發音像 “more”, “更多” 的意思)仁慈的行為,好消息,和身體健康!
Happy Weight
Since it has been super hot lately, I have a craving for ice cream and junk food, but we’ve gained way too much fat and weight. I can’t believe we’ve gained 20 lbs already! Hopefully, this drawing can stop us from splurging.
由於最近天氣太熱了,我非常想吃冰淇淋和垃圾食品,但是我們已經增加了太多的脂肪和體重。我不敢相信我們已經增加了20磅! 希望這幅畫可以阻止我們。