Thank you for being so brave and selfless. Happy birthday, my favourite doctor!
I know you’re busy saving lives at work, but please spare a minute during this day for yourself to relax, celebrate and don’t forget to make 3 wishes! (You taught us this tradition ?) Please take care! I’m still waiting until we turn 60, our hair turns grey and we’ll still be meet up and talk (you said so!) 15+ years of friendship and counting. Love you lots ❤️
謝謝你如此的勇敢無私。 生日快樂,我最愛的醫生!
我知道你忙著救人,但請在這一天中抽出一點時間放鬆一下,慶祝一下,並許3個願望! (你告訴我們這個傳統 ?)請保重! 我依然在等著我們到60歲,頭髮變灰,仍然在聊天(你說的!)。 15年以上的友誼。 愛你❤️