Happy Birthday Dear

Happy Birthday! PS: Please don’t grow too fast. You’ll always be mommy’s baby.

Chúc mừng sinh nhật! Happy birthday to one of the best mommies in the world! Remember to celebrate and have fun because you very well deserve it! Miss you!

生日快樂! PS:請不要長太快。你永遠都是媽媽的小寶貝。

Chúc mừng sinh nhật! 生日快樂,世界上最好的媽媽之一! 記得要慶祝和玩得開心,因為你非常值得的! 想你喔!

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Happy Birthday Lion King

Happy birthday my lion king

??????Happy birthday to my dearest lion king! Wishing you more happiness, good health, wealth, and love to come. Love celebrating your birthday together, except I don’t know what to get you! Please tell me?



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Happy Birthday Little Elephant

Happy Birthday! PS: Please don’t grow too fast. You’ll always be mommy’s baby.

Chúc mừng sinh nhật! Happy birthday to a special little boy. I remember this was one of your mommy’s favourite photo of you in a shopping cart and your favourite animal is the elephant. She loves you very much. Please take good care of your mommy. She deserves it! 🙂

生日快樂! PS:請不要長太快。你永遠都是媽媽的小寶貝。

Chúc mừng sinh nhật! 生日快樂,特別的小男孩。 我記得這是你媽媽最喜歡你在購物車中的照片之一,而你最喜歡的動物是大象。 她非常愛你喔。 請好好照顧你的媽媽。 她應得的!:)

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